Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Purchasing Speech Writing Services for College Students

Purchasing Speech Writing Services for College Students Therefore, there's not any reason to neglect speech writing as a section of an academic writing subject. Therefore, for some, choosing a professional speech writer is a good idea! In case you're in need of writing a speech irrespective of the occasion but you need zero idea how to do it, you may always rely on professional writing help! Our writing team will guarantee that you receive a topnotch speech that can help you improve your performance in college. Undoubtedly, it's much less hard as to compose a term paper, as an example, but if you're fighting with it, then it is simply the most suitable time to request some speech writing services that will help you out! Since you may see, you have to put in a good deal of work, along with creating a wonderful speech. Our services are produced to make lives of students and other men and women who need writing help simpler. Our affordable customized essay service is ideal for students of every component of the planet, and therefore, we're attempting to spread the name of our business worldwide. Life, Death and Speech Writing Services for College Students Even the toughest speech can be readily done, you simply should place an order with your requirements and following a quick time period, you are going to receive precisely what you desire. At Paperell, you'll find the biggest pool of the greatest speech writers for hire, who are at all times prepared to apply their experience so as to he lp you succeed! Each customer becomes 14-day amendment period. Additionally, a lot of students are fearful that somebody can notice they've used the service. The New Fuss About Speech Writing Services for College Students Needless to say, colleges would like you to compose an essay in order that they can assess your writing ability. Therefore, many students and employees decide to acquire inexpensive essay rather than writing it themselves. It's a fact that a customized essay paper writing task needs huge understanding. The essay isn't so hard after you get started putting ideas down. A speech essay is a kind of essay in which you write about yourself. Our essay writing services have the big purpose of offering you original papers. The Speech Writing Services for College Students Trap Our on-line assignment writing service has an extremely comfortable and trendy interface design. So if you're not looking for inexpensive custom writing solution, but for high excellent service you can trust, then you came to the proper spot! Writing services using pre-written speeches aren't the quality which you or your audience deserves. Therefore it is extremely important to grasp the urgency of an undertaking and scout for services and experts accordingly. Custom writing services are able to help you present your speech. Our writing service offers you direct access to the individual responsible for your speech, which means y ou can get excellent ideas and direction on picking a topic that will fit your speech assignment. Papers you get from reliable essay services must be full of fresh unusual suggestions and appropriate examples. You should be aware that all stages of speech preparation are important, and not just just choosing the appropriate topic. What's more, you should occur after the tone in your speech, which is suitable for a particular place and event. Have a structure of your speech the audience isn't going to enjoy the speech if you're jumping from 1 point to another, leaving the most significant things unexplained. If you attempt to find a person to compose my speech, you've already found the perfect place with the correct writers. Our written custom speech will enable you to continue to keep your audience interested, and to find the desired response from your audience. You've been requested to provide a speech and you're starting to acquire the jitters. Just think how frequently you need to do speeches in your day-to-day life! After all, you don't only need to write speeches as a piece of your academic assignments. This sort of speeches is also quite common today, and it's problematic for students as well because not all of these can play jokes properly. So, within this circumstance, only an expert writer can help you in all the circumstances. When a dissertation is ready, the one thing you have to find a doctorate degree is to experience the defense procedure. To be able to lease a book from the library management system the student must adhere to the step-by-step procedure shown in accordance with the flowchart. Oninytwhiass launched previously, storm impact assessments mainly centered on the losses from resul. What Is So Fascinating About Speech Writing Services for College Students? Our customized speech writing services can help you create a productive speech and establishing the aim of your speech and making it easily understandable. Possessing an overview or outline will cut the time and potential stress involved with writing and preparing your speech. The fundamental speech format is straightforward. Click the hyperlink to discover more about preparing a speech outline. To compose a fantastic informative speech, you ought to be perfectly knowledgeable about your topic so that you want to do a little bit of research. An individual may ask why it's crucial for students to learn the essentials of academic speech writing. Learning how to compose a speech is straight forward once you learn how to write out loud. Our speech writing service is the smartest choice for those of us who have issues with speech writing but need a great speech to impress the audience.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Great Pyramid of The Seven Wonders of the World Essay

The Great Pyramid Of all the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, only one still stands today: the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza in Egypt. Surprisingly, it is by far the oldest of the Seven Wonders. It was already more than 2,000 years old in the time of the ancient Greeks. For more than 4,000 years, the 481-foot-high pyramid was the tallest structure ever built by humans. It is about as tall as a fifty-story building. No other building reached that height until the Eiffel Tower was created in 1887 (Putnam 20). The pyramid’s square base, 756 feet long on each side, is 13 acres, or the size of seven city blocks. The five biggest cathedrals of Europe could be all fitted into the pyramid at the same time (The Pyramids). How did this†¦show more content†¦Because of the pyramids pointed shape, the building itself acted as a kind of ramp to help the king on his journey (Scarre 22). However, in addition to the religious meaning, there were also practical reasons for why the ancient Egyptians chose the pyramid’s shape. The pyramid is a strong, stable shape because it has a wide base and narrow top. It is much harder to knock down than a vertical building, which is why ancient pyramids still stand today. In addition, the tombs sheer size, and the cost and difficulty of building it, made clear to the whole world that the pharaoh was a very powerful man. Indeed, Khufu, who built the Great Pyramid, has been called probably the most powerful pharaoh ever to rule Egypt (Putnam 18). By the time of Khufus reign, about 2551–2528 B.C., the Egyptians had been building pyramids for only about a century. They had gotten better and better at the construction. While their earlier monuments had been made of mud brick, in about 2680 B.C., the Egyptians discovered how to build with large limestone blocks. Soon after they mastered building with stone blocks, the Egyptians changed their technique. They switched from building step pyramids, which had a series of smaller and smaller levels rising to the top, to the true pyramid shape, which is smooth. Although today the Great Pyramid has a staircase-like appearance, that is because the outer layer of limestone has been torn away over the centuries. When it was built, it would have lookedShow MoreRelatedSeven Wonders of the Ancient World1404 Words   |  6 PagesSeven Wonders of the Ancient World Seven Wonders of the Ancient World The Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations were some of the greatest civilizations in human history. The Greeks and the Romans had many interests and pursuits. These are cultures that placed a great deal of value in aesthetics and architecture. There are in fact many structures and artifacts that have survived from those civilizations. The Greek and Romans pursued and appreciation what they believed to be aesthetic and mathematicalRead MoreThe Great Pyramid Of Giza1138 Words   |  5 Pagesof the seven wonders of the world. For almost four millennias they were the tallest structures of the entire world. And yet we are still baffled as to how they were built. The Pyramids! We find these mysterious, immense, and fascinating structures throughout the world. We gaze at them in wonder and ask ourselves: who built them? How were they built? what were they used for? and, when were they built? The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza pyramid comp lexRead More The Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada and the Khafre at Giza Essay967 Words   |  4 PagesKhafre at Giza The ominous green light beams upward piercing the Las Vegas sky. This laser, the brightest artificial light on Earth, beckons curious seekers to its base, a thirty story replica of the Egyptian pyramid of Khafre at Giza. Khafres Pyramid, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, gives an understanding of the Egyptian culture over 4000 years age. Located within the spectacular city of Las Vegas, Nevada, the Luxor Hotel and Casino creates a bridge between ancient Egyptian architectureRead MoreComparison between the Great Wall and Egyptian Pyramids1749 Words   |  7 PagesThe Seven Wonders of the Ancient World refers to remarkable constructions during classical era. Through the ages, there have been numerous versions of the original list of the Seven Wonders; however, only one of these miraculous buildings has remained intact-the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, which is also the oldest of the ancient wonders. On the west bank of the Nile River, there are three pyramid erected on a rocky plateau in Giza in the northern part of Egypt. These pyramids were named afterRead MoreThe Great Pyramid Of Giza Essay1147 Words   |  5 PagesThe â€Å"Great Pyramid of Giza† is situated in the Giza Necropolis which borders the largest city in Egypt – Giza. It is also identified by two other names; the Pyramid of â€Å"Cheops† or â€Å"Khufu†. The Great Pyramid stands as the largest and oldest among the Giza Necropolis pyramids. Furthermore, it is listed among the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, holding the record of being the oldest in that list. The magnificence of the pyramid’s structure is an attraction that has grabbed the attention of severalRead MoreEssay on The Great Pyramid of Giza1176 Words   |  5 PagesThe Great Pyramid of Giza is also recognized as the Pyramid of Khufu, Khufus Pyramid and Pyramid of Cheops. It is the most significant and earliest structure in the world. This pyramid is the oldest of the three pyramids standing on the Giza Necropolis. It is also the largest of them all (Larry, 2000). This great pyramid is located on the northern edge of the Giza Plateau, which is 25 km outskirts, southwest of Cairo, Egypt. It is the only remaining standing monument of the Seven Wonders of theRead MoreAnalysis Of The New7wonders Of The World1035 Words   |  5 Pages The New7Wonders of the world are amazing man-made creations that have been voted on by millions of people from 2000 to 2007. This list includes Chichen Itza, Christ the Redeemer, The Great Wall of China, Machu Picchu, Petra, Taj Mahal, and finally The .Roman Colosseum. Also, the Great Pyramid of Giza, was granted honorary status by the New7Wonders Foundation. Some finalists included the Eiffel Tower, Stonehenge, the Sydney Opera House, the Acropolis of Athens, and the Statue of Liberty. TheRead MoreAncient Wonders of the World1485 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿The ancient wonders of the world are seven such sights that were constructed aro und the first and second century but do not exist in the present day. During the fourth century, the Greeks had conquered sufficient land in Persia, Egypt and Babylon which gave writers access to travel these areas freely. The Greek writers would note down any interesting sights that they saw and would make lists of them, and although today, we see these seven wonders as just one list, in reality, there were severalRead MoreThe Great Pyramids of Giza are located in northern part of Egypt right besides the Nile River. The700 Words   |  3 PagesThe Great Pyramids of Giza are located in northern part of Egypt right besides the Nile River. The oldest and major â€Å"is the only surviving structure out of the famed seven wonders of the ancient world.† The other wonders are: The Colossus of Rhodes, The Statue of Zeus at Olympia, The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, and The Lighthouse of Alexandria. The Great Pyramids w as constructed for King Khufu son of King Sneferu. Three separate andRead MoreEgypt And Mesopotamia917 Words   |  4 PagesArchitecture in Egypt and Mesopotamia When you think about ancient architecture, what questions arise? Do you ask yourself about its history, durability, and structure? For example, Egypt is known for its pyramids, while Mesopotamia is known for its temple. Both are influential and recognizable after so many years and will continue to be for years to come, those questions come without a doubt to mind. In the following paragraphs, these questions will be answered and explained

Monday, December 9, 2019

Making Life Adjustments Essay Example For Students

Making Life Adjustments Essay Almost every single person encounters some adjustment in their life. Whether the adjustment is a small or big, they go through it. Yet it is more than that. The effect, the result, of their needing to adjust, will change a person. Gary Shteyngart, author of the memoir, Little Failure, had to make many adjustments in his life. As a Russian immigrant coming to the U. S. during his childhood, created many times for adjusting. I myself had gone through a big adjustment last year, as I had gone to study for the year in a new country. Thus, I can relate to Gary’s feelings; his ups and downs, his fears and triumphs. And through both of our changes, we came out as different and changed people. We came out as adults. It is customary in my Jewish community to go away after high school. The norm is to go to Israel, our Homeland, for the year to study. Some have been there before, while others are going for their very first time. I have been there when I was much younger and since then have not gone, so this was new to me. I was coming to a new country, away from my family and friends, and coming to live with people I do not know. It was a life changing experience. As Gary came to a new country, he did not know the language. He was coming from Russia to America at the young age of seven years old. His parents did not speak a word of English which did not help at all. So when he was enrolled in an English speaking school, communicating was nearly impossible. He would try to talk to his classmates, but they would mock his way of speaking and his heavy Russian accent. His parents did not even help him learn the language, since they only spoke Russian in their home. I too, went to a new country where they only speak Hebrew. Some people did speak English which made it easier, but to have an actual conversation with an Israeli was highly improbable I would go shopping and try to ask about an item, but the saleslady could not even understand what I was saying. I would repeatedly try to explain, but to no avail. So when Gary would explain how he could not communicate with his classmates, I honestly felt his frustration. Language barrier can be extremely frustrating and can make it harder to adjust. Additionally, when Gary went to Oberlin College, he was going from being an only child to living with roommates. He was used to living just with his parents and doing what he wanted. I came into the situation after being the youngest at home. With all of my older siblings married and out of the house for quite a while, I had to adjust to living with two other girls. Even when my older sister was not married, I had my own room. So I had to get used to not being able to do whatever I want as if no one was there. I could not turn off my lights and go to sleep when I wanted. I could not bring in all my friends while my roommates wanted to sleep. It was a whole new way of living for me. If I had a bad day, and just wanted to shut out the world and cry, I could not do that. I would be too embarrassed and have to hold it in or make believe I was sleeping if they would come in while I was crying. Of course, like Gary, I eventually became friends with my roommates but it took time. Adjusting takes time. It is far from easy, but it does happen. It is not only hard to live with other people, but it is also tough living with different types of people than one is used to. .u3774a2d60819bb70bc42afd948795bce , .u3774a2d60819bb70bc42afd948795bce .postImageUrl , .u3774a2d60819bb70bc42afd948795bce .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3774a2d60819bb70bc42afd948795bce , .u3774a2d60819bb70bc42afd948795bce:hover , .u3774a2d60819bb70bc42afd948795bce:visited , .u3774a2d60819bb70bc42afd948795bce:active { border:0!important; } .u3774a2d60819bb70bc42afd948795bce .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3774a2d60819bb70bc42afd948795bce { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3774a2d60819bb70bc42afd948795bce:active , .u3774a2d60819bb70bc42afd948795bce:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3774a2d60819bb70bc42afd948795bce .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3774a2d60819bb70bc42afd948795bce .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3774a2d60819bb70bc42afd948795bce .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3774a2d60819bb70bc42afd948795bce .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3774a2d60819bb70bc42afd948795bce:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3774a2d60819bb70bc42afd948795bce .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3774a2d60819bb70bc42afd948795bce .u3774a2d60819bb70bc42afd948795bce-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3774a2d60819bb70bc42afd948795bce:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Dickens calls his novel Hard Times EssayWhen Gary went to high school, it was his first experience with people who were neither Jewish nor Russian. Coming from SSSQ, a Jewish school, Gary was exposed to all different types of people. Gary’s mother even warned him about different type of people and those he should stay away from. Gary was not used to the diversity of people and he had to interact with all these different types of people. When I went to Israel, of course I knew the culture of Israelis, since it is mostly similar to mine, yet at the same time very different. Most people think religious Jewish culture is all the same. But that is not true in the slightest. Besides the fact that there are different levels of Judaism, every single person is religious in their own way. Yes, we all believe in the same one God, but some are more religious than others. So coming to Israel, it was different to me with all the different types of Jews. Of course there is not only Jews, many Arabs and other nationalities, but I mostly interacted with Jews. When I went away for weekends I encountered different types of people. I had to also adjust to the tough Israeli personality. There are so many different types of Israelis which was hard for me, since I had to interact with all of them. Likewise, when one moves to a new place, they usually want to fit in with their new surroundings and become more cultural in that culture. So just like Gary wanted to fit in and be as American as he could; I tried to be the most Israeli I could-for that year. I did not want to be looked like an outsider. I did not want to be looked at as an American, but rather, like an Israeli. So in order to do this I had to travel the country and get the most I can about their lifestyle. I would drink in everything they did and try to act the way they did (although not their aggressiveness). Yet I was only able to be an â€Å"Israeli† to a certain extent, as I will always have an American look to me. But I had to adjust my cultures and my own lifestyle to the Israelis ones, in order to be like them. This was no easy task. Changing your mentality and lifestyle as an adult can be very difficult. Yet I wanted to fit in and knew what had to be done. So just like Gary would try to eat American food and try to talk like them, I would do the same. I would eat the Israeli interesting food, and try to use their terminology. All these adjustments had to come with making one’s own decisions. I had to make my own choices numerous times, without my parents deciding for me. I could not call my mother every second when I was not sure what to do. Things like cooking my own food, washing my own laundry, organizing weekend plans, all had to be done by me. Usually these things are done by mother. When choosing friends I had to decide who was suitable for me. Just like Gary had to decide whether to listen to what his mother taught him or do what he thinks he needs. And by Gary making these choices it made him independent. Whether it was staying with his friends when his mother was waiting for him at home or if it was leaving his family vacation since his mother lied to him. All these choices made Gary who he is. Just like my decisions paved the path for who I am today. I had to decide for myself what I want, who I want to be around, how I want to adjust. All these small factors combined, created a more mature and independent me. If I did not have to make big adjustments in my life I would not be the independent and responsible adult that I am today.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Pans Labyrinth Film Analysis free essay sample

The story is set in the year 1944, in the country-side of a post-Civil War Spain. A young and imaginative girl named Ofelia, played by Ivana Baquero, travels with her pregnant mother, Carmen Vidal, who is very ill; in order to meet and live with her stepfather, a cruel and sadistic man named Capitan Vidal (Sergi Lopez). During the first night of their stay, Ofelia meets a fairy that leads her to a pit in the center of a labyrinth where they soon meet a faun (Doug Jones). The faun tells Ofelia that she is a princess from a faerie kingdom underground, where her father, the king, waits for her arrival. However, she must accomplish three gruesome and dangerous tasks in order to prove her immortality. During her stay, she befriends a servant, Mercedes, who is sister to one of the rebels and is secretly giving support to the group. In order to escape the realities of her dark and violent world, Ofelia lives in her magical world trying to carry out the three tasks that will reunite her with her father and their kingdom. We will write a custom essay sample on Pans Labyrinth Film Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The film is of many opposites: good versus evil, reality versus fiction, innocence versus adulthood, over-world versus underworld. Thus, the director’s overlying theme is anything but subtle. He directed this film as to make a statement about the lengths that children will go to in order to protect themselves and the ones they love in times of extreme hardship. He also goes to show that the central theme in Pan’s Labyrinth is the essential role that imagination plays in the lives of children, especially in times of great distress. Even the ending of the film can be interpreted in two opposite ways: either Ofelia had created an enchanted world in her head to escape the harsh realities of real life or she simply was an awakened being who saw what those could not see and ultimately completed her process of illumination in order to be immortal. Techniques such as dialogue, blatant symbolism, and lighting are effectively used by Guillermo del Toro in this fantasy-horror film to solidify his theme. He uses these most prominently to depict the film’s villain as an authoritarian, power-hungry, and cruel man. This harsh commander has total power over the rural town that he inhabits and the steely-blue lighting is able to demonstrate that immaculately. It illustrates a gloomy atmosphere that he himself has created, as whenever there are scenes set in his village, the cold blue tones are cast over the screen. The blue lighting is there to highlight that the events in reality are cold-natured and unjust. He speaks only in a short and sharp manner, consistently ordering other’s about. The techniques by del Toro are used to manipulate the viewer’s attitude towards Vidal thus giving a strict, controlling, and heartless impression of him. Lighting is used as a major technique in this film as it is often used to set the mood. Due to Vidal’s world always being shown enveloped in blue-grey hue, it immediately shows the viewers that is isn’t a welcoming place to be. This shade of lighting helps create a detached feeling which is in great contrast to the golden, homely, and warm lighting of Ofelia’s fantasy world portraying a safe and enchanting atmosphere. This is most apparent at the end of the film when Ofelia is lying in the labyrinth close to death. When Vidal has just shot her, dark blue shadows loom into the air, they begin to cover the labyrinth and cast shadows over Ofelia’s pale face. This lighting creates a miserable mood as the camera pan’s in closer to Ofelia’s face and as we see her blood dripping from her fingers. Then suddenly, we are taken through the portal into the magical underground kingdom of Ofelia’s dreams. There you bathe in golden light helping the kingdom portray itself as welcoming and homely, thus showing Ofelia that she’s finally where she belongs. This shocking contrast in luminosity between the two worlds highlights the extreme difference between Vidal’s oppressive world and the faerie kingdom where Ofelia finds happiness. It also illustrates just how cruel and domineering Capitan Vidal has become, and how very different Ofelia’s world would have been had he not been present. Although the captain’s dialogue remains relentlessly vicious throughout the film, the dialogue of others’ indicates the harshness of the events that take place. At the start of the film, Mercedes, one of Vidal’s housekeepers, appears to be a polite and shy woman. However, as the film develops, so does her attitude. Nearing the end of the film she calls obscenities and tells him â€Å"you won’t be the first pig I’ve gutted†. Mercedes’ metamorphosis is suggestion to the viewer that something is about to change and that it will be a good revision. This depiction of Mercedes through her dialogue gives the viewers a chance to feel good about the ending of the film, for they see Vidal in a cruel light, which makes the viewer feel better when he is defeated. Much too often, fairytales are stripped of their darkest and most threatening elements. Instead they are filled with undeniable morals, enchanted creatures, and an overall sense of happiness. However, that is what sets this film from the others. Audiences generally dislike the film due to its darkness, its sorrow, and the tragedy of its ending. They find the brutality of the Captain to be distasteful and the scenes too graphic. And for many reasons, the film’s darkness overshadows the light. It seems to me that many viewers are repulsed by the film and cannot bear to watch it again. That being said, I however, love Pan’s Labyrinth because of its raw darkness, harshness, and sorrow. I would tell others that when they view this film, to watch it not only once, but twice; for I believe that you will not be able to get a sense of the true beauty and meaning of this story the first time around. This assignment has given me a greater respect for not only the film itself but the art of analyzing and interpreting films. Prior to this, I had seen Pan’s Labyrinth only once many years ago. My prior feelings of the film were that it was much too tragic and crude for my personal taste. Also, I was much younger when I first saw the film, which I believe to be a major factor in how I once viewed this story. However, once I had learned how analyze a film and how to better understand an author’s intentions and vision I acquired a much greater respect for this film. I now see it not only as a movie, but as a brilliant piece of cinematic art that forces us to look at the effects of war and hostility on a human being, regardless of age. It too, took me back into a place in a child’s imagination that I wish I never had lost.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Early Intervention And Benefits Social Work Essay Essay Example

Early Intervention And Benefits Social Work Essay Essay Example Early Intervention And Benefits Social Work Essay Essay Early Intervention And Benefits Social Work Essay Essay A definition of Early Intervention can be to prosecute in childrens and immature peoples life at the earliest possible phase, irrespective the fact that a job has already emerged or non, utilizing mainstream/ universal or targeted/ specializer services. In the first topographic point, Early Intervention programmes provide and support kids and immature people with appropriate equipment ( societal, emotional, physical ) to get down or go on their life with the best opportunities going better parents in the hereafter, for illustration Childrens Centre for Early Years, SEAL and PATH programmes in Primary school, Life Skill Training programmes in Secondary schools. In the 2nd topographic point, Early Intervention programmes provide support every bit shortly as there is grounds that a kid is or may be in demand, so the state of affairs demand to be resolved at the earliest possible forestalling more injury. For illustration, Safer Families Project where domestic maltreatment and struggles are present in the household without making the societal attention intercession threshold, Family Nurse Partnership provided to the first clip female parents run intoing the standard, Functional Family Therapy for immature people with early symptoms of behavior upsets. The programmes can be offered to either all kids or targeted 1s. Early Intervention does non mention merely to Early Old ages as childrens and immature peoples demands may happen during several phases in their life, for illustration during passage or transportation from the primary to secondary scenes, after a hard and life altering state of affairs like a decease of a parent or teenage gestation. Harmonizing to the literature, Early Intervention provides good results to kids, household and community ; maximizes the kids and familys opportunities for success, provides enduring benefits in childrens life, prevents relentless societal jobs, societal exclusion and damaging parenting and is cost-efficient with long term public nest eggs ( Allen, 2011, Pithouse 2007, Barnes and Freude-Lagevardi 2002 ; Early Intervention: Procuring good results for all kids and immature people, 2010 ) . In a sense it is about aa‚ ¬Aâ€Å"break in a causal chainaa‚ ¬A? ( Pithouse, 2007 ) , and we can accomplish this by doing kids ready for school, ready for secondary school and ready for life ( Allen, 2011 ; Allen and Smith 2008 ) . It is, besides, mentioned in Support and Aspiration: A new attack to particular educational demands and disablement ( 2011 ) that cardinal facets for childrens future success are the early designation of a job and timely battle and support. Furthermore, i ndependent reappraisals ( Munro 2011, Field 2011, Allen 2011, Tickell 2011 ) have concluded that it is of import to supply support at the earliest possible chance so as to better a childs life. Even if a job appears subsequently than early old ages, early intercession means to cover with the jobs every bit shortly as possible. Factors for effectual Early Intervention Harmonizing to Doyle et Al ( 2007 ) quality, dose ( strength ) , clocking, service orientation, differentiated benefits ( able to acknowledge hazards and reference childrens multiple jobs ) and continuity of support ( long lasting ) are basic factors doing Early Intervention programmes effectual. Pithouse ( 2007 ) adds to this list that Early Intervention programmes need to be preventive, protective, holistic, flexible, no stigmatizing and able to construct trust and supply long term good results. Holistic Considering Early Intervention, we need to take into history kids and immature peoples context that is household and community. For illustration, in several instances, school attending and behavior are connected to issues related to household, school and community factors like parents/ carers out of employment, immature carers, looked after kids, high rate of community offense or pack activity. There are small opportunities to make our results, if we try to decide attending and promptness concerns in one dimension excluding the multidimensional facet of the job. Harmonizing to Taylors recommendation ( 2012 ) for bettering overall school attending, we need to concentrate on and place vulnerable students since primary school old ages ( even nursery and response ) , who raise concern and support parents who fail to acquire their kid to school on a regular basis. Harmonizing to the Government ( Gove, 2012 ) , the chief construct is to acquire pupils into good wonts of attending from an early age ; which along with promptness are of import accomplishments for their future professional life and benchmarks to maximize the chances to accomplish their possible. Long Lasting In Early Intervention: Following Steps ( Allen, 2011 ) , a figure of programmes are presented which have been evaluated by specific criterions and selected by their effectivity and cost effectivity. Still there is work to be done to better, measure and use them to national degree. In general, sing early intercession we need to wait for the long term effects to be present. For illustration, as Pithouse ( 2007 ) mentions the effectivity of Certain Start pre-school programmes can non be evaluated as the Government will replace them with Childrens Centre services. It is, though, of import support to be provided after the intercession phase is completed to keep the benefits and positive results ( Doyle, 2007 ) . Preventive Harmonizing to Pithouse ( 2007 ) , bar is better than remedy. It is good stated in Allen ( 2011 ) , that English policies have funded 1000000s in ulterior intercession ; nevertheless early intercession is cost effectual with wage offs. It is besides summarized in Making Sense of Early Intervention: A Framework for Professionals ( Centre of Social Justice, 2011 ) that there is a demand of committedness to bar. Clocking Furthermore, step ining early to childrens life provide better benefits in long term. Sing Early Old ages, early childhood is a cardinal period for cognitive, encephalon and emotional development and if issues are non resolved during early old ages so subsequently efforts are less likely to win ( Allen and Smith, 2008 ) . However, Government may be somewhat oriented to Early Old ages ( Her Majestys Treasury et al. , 2006 ) we need to concentrate and prosecute early in childrens life and all professionals working with kids, immature people and households need to be able to detect the early marks of a job and be adequately trained either to supply support or mention the instance. As reference above, within the thought of early intercession, multi-agency working is most of the times needed to turn to and place demands, to implement schemes and supply support to child and his household. The schemes of the early intercession implemented in each state, though impacting each other and based on same demands for kids ( unwellness, mental wellness, household, pre-school support, attainment ) are portion of the public assistance system and defined by economic and cultural factors. There are for illustration the cosmopolitan systems and the more targeted systems, differing on the physical and ideological nature of proviso. The history and civilization of the state and the definitions of normalcy, for illustration the construction of the childhood, the significance of a good citizen define the schemes that take topographic point and the marks that need to be met ( we intervene in a kids and immature individuals life to supply support and steer them to a better hereafter harmonizing to the societys criterions ) One of the inquiries rise is after the acknowledgment of hazards and jobs how we can measure the deepness and the immense of the job placing the kid and the services we need to supply, and how we select the kid, harmonizing to which choice standards, is he/she the right individual or they are the 1s asked for the programmes? For illustration, in a school environment a kid being polite and rather may steal through the net ; when there are jobs we need to do professional determinations following the criterions put by the school, community, authorities. Following, by the strength of the proviso ; it will be a long term or short intercession? Besides, we need to take into history the timing of the intercession and whether a proposed intercession is executable in a communitys context and nature. Another, basic inquiry is about the quality of the programme and how flexible it can be. As we talk about persons demands, the targeted programmes need to be every bit personalised as possible to run into the kids demands. From my position, it can non be one programmes fits all. Taking into history, the school community, with a little figure of 700 pupils, and 100 pupils with attending concerns ; it happened to hold 50 different personal attending program for each of them as each one had specific demands. How executable is that to go on nationally ( Education and Health program ) ; nevertheless, clip and resource devouring it is little units may worth using identified action and advancement programs. Check QUALITY. Sing the long permanent consequence it is difficult to hold a general yes reply as we have narrow tests, but we can utilize the illustration of US Head Start pre-school. Finally, as we have already reference, a programme demand to be holistic taking into history the kids demands, physical, emotional, societal development, strengths and failings and, besides, taking into history household and community facets. Sometimes people having targeted services feel stigmatised and it is better these services to be provided universally, nevertheless it may be dearly-won. Now, if we invest in early old ages so less and less targeted services will be used in the hereafter. We can detect the authoritiess aspiration to back up households through undertakings like Safer Families, Family Focus, Childrens Centres ( support to parents ) , and Family Nurse Partnership etc. Furthermore, the new CAF Easts to a whole household attack instead than child one. Finally an of import factor is trust and good relationship, shared determination devising and cultural background so kids and households can trust on the professional ( see besides the paper of the position of immature people ) Harmonizing to Pithouse, there is positive grounds for little advanced programmes sing short and intermediate results for kid wellness, safety and well-being and for parent self-pride, parenting and parent employment. There besides the undermentioned inquiries to be asked ( 1 ) Who does What, when, where, with whom and how we guarantee that it happens ( 2 ) how we disperse the available resources and dispose them to hold the desired impact ( 3 ) are we looking for short term, intercede or long term benefits ( 4 ) decide which of the schemes in what clip were effectual and successful. As early intercession is a many-sided attack Finally, we need to take into history the relationship between universal/ mainstream and targeted services and the relationship between information engineering and frontline workers. As the force per unit area on professionals is increasing to run into marks and supply good results, there can be challenges in the relationship between universal and specializer services. For illustration, cosmopolitan services claim that due to resources they can supply standardise and brief services nevertheless they could supply more if they have the appropriate resources and work force, which prefer to be employed by the targeted services. At the terminal, kids return to mainstream after the targeted services, nevertheless there is demand to prolong balance and mutualness between mainstream and targeted services to prolong the additions from the proviso. Regulatory model of appraisal processs, prosodies and timelines, electronic monitoring, information sharing claim their capacity to assist us respond early, fleetly and transparently nevertheless is early intercession applied? Can early intercession be delivered in forepart of a computing machine instead than by front line workers? Is information making the forepart line practicians or corsets in a cringle for managerial facets? Can complex human jobs be identified by computing machines? Are all practicians accessing computing machines to portion their information? Who is accessing the information, is household under surveillance? The benefit is that early demands may so be identified early and we can supervise if services are reacting. We can look into if services were seasonably and commensurate nevertheless we can non look into if intercession met a set of human brushs. Emerging Paradigm As we have already mentioned, early intercession demands to see childrens aa‚ ¬ household community results. For illustration, we can non better a kids attending when he is a immature carer with one parent on drugs without any proviso provided signifier the community ; for every action taken we need to take into history this childs context. France and Utting ( 2005 ) , proposed a more flexible and multi layered attack based on hazard and bar focused intercession. Our purpose is to minimise and cut down hazards factors and incidents of future jobs via schemes that support and protect kids. We need to advance resiliency to kids through beef uping the bonds among kids, household, school and community and honoring positive behaviors. The challenges of this attack are the timing, procedure and scene of the schemes and besides the closeting, continuance and strength. In the UK, work is under advancement so this programme has cosmopolitan and effectual facet as schemes have been taken nationally ( ten old ages program to better and advance services aa‚ ¬ Every Child Matters, Department of Health and Department of Education and Skills 2004 ) , regionally ( multi-agency joined up working and partnership for childrens services ) and locally ( community based kids services, drawn-out school, household focal point and support ) . From the above enterprises we need to wait to see if there is grounds of benefits cut downing kids bad luck. For illustration the enterprise for extended kid attention helps mother to acquire back to work. However, is that a good benefit or immature kids miss fond regard? Intervention programmes so far are based on UK and US surveies, nevertheless we need to hold clear cogent evidence of what work in there will be a new policy. ( Allen, 2011 ) . It may be politically and morally uncomfortable to wait but it is better to hold confidence instead than premise of benefits. From a professionals point of position, early intercession is effectual and provides benefits, nevertheless from a users point of position early intercession can be thought as invasive ( justified by all when pressing protection is needed ) , uneffective and uneconomical, for illustrations when benefits are non immediate, harmful, as users can be stigmatised and expensive, sing this money to be provided in a different pressing service. For illustration, pupils feel ashamed when parents come to school to discourse concerns and there are illustrations of parents declining to come due to non be stigmatised that there is a job. Another illustration, from our Drawn-out School is that parents are loath to prosecute as there are no obvious immediate benefits for their kid. A proper run and lift national consciousness about early intercession and available services need to be on top of authoritiess dockets. Early intercession needs to take into history childrens right, supply participative duologue, tackle systemic inequalities and construct societal capital ( trust, committedness, and attachment to socially approved and legitimate norm ) . This can take to minimising offense and maximising societal stableness. There is a demand for an incorporate bar paradigm taking into history the kid, the household and the community. Government is in favor of bar and early intercession ( Early Intervention Grant, Early Intervention Foundation ) nevertheless kids are still stealing through the net as our chief concerns were reorganization, web coordination and information sharing and non supply the rudimentss to our kids. As it is made obvious from the above, multi-agency working demands to be supported and reinforced to supply effectual services. Decision We need to back up schemes that they can take to solidarity back uping each other, minimising societal exclusion and disfunction, puting in the societal capital as, particularly in the UK, communities are multiethnic and multi-racial with fewer and more elusive relationships among its members. The effects of economic and planetary culturalization had changed the human ecology, individualities, competencies and life tracts so we need to larn about the kids and their experiences. We cant think the same instances that we thought 20 or even ten old ages before. Early intercession and early old ages services need to take into history shared individualities and solidarity and they need to be mentioned in policy. As we have already mentioned, early intercession programmes need to take into history the wider jobs of household instability, community diminution and young person upset. Knowledge of kids in demand is bigger and better ; issues of hazards and resiliency are more familiar ; importance of working together ; there is a little but robust grounds for effectual early intercession ; early intercession demands to prosecute with kids and households in multiple ways and degrees ; multidisciplinary pattern and research should be high on the policy docket ; in the US clear cost benefits from early intercession, now surveies are carry oning in the UK. Our meta-policy challenge of our epoch is with what thought, from where and with whom we will co-construct better pattern to run into the disputing demands of kids. There is demand for more comparative policy research, national benchmarking and peer reappraisal of enterprises in other states.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

A Man for All Seasons Summary and Characters

A Man for All Seasons Summary and Characters A Man for All Seasons, a play written by Robert Bolt, retells the historic events surrounding Sir Thomas More, the Chancellor of England who remained silent regarding Henry VIIIs divorce. Because More would not take an oath which essentially endorsed the kings separation from the church in Rome, the Chancellor was imprisoned, tried, and eventually executed. Throughout the drama, More is forthright, witty, contemplative, and honest. Some might argue that he is too honest. He follows his conscience all the way to the chopping block. A Man for All Seasons asks us, How far would we go to remain honest? In the case of Sir Thomas More, we behold a man who speaks with utmost sincerity, a virtue that will cost him his life. The Basic Plot Shortly after the death of Cardinal Wolsey, Sir Thomas Moore, a wealthy lawyer and loyal subject of King Henry VIII, accepts the title of Chancellor of England. With that honor comes an expectation. The King expects More to sanction the divorce and his subsequent marriage to Anne Boleyn. More is caught between his obligations to the crown, his family, and the tenants of the church. Open disapproval would be an act of treason. Public approval would defy his religious beliefs. Therefore, More chooses silence, hoping that by staying quiet he can maintain his honesty and avoid the executioner as well. Unfortunately, ambitious men such as Thomas Cromwell are more than happy to see More crumble. By treacherous and dishonest means, Cromwell manipulates the court system, stripping More of his title, wealth, and freedom. The Character of Sir Thomas More When writing an essay about a literary work, students would be wise to analyze the character arc of the protagonist. Most main characters undergo a transformation. However, one could argue that Thomas Moore, the man who remains consistent throughout the seasons (in good times and bad), does not change. If you are looking for an essay topic in response to A Man for All Seasons, consider this question: Is Sir Thomas More a static character or a dynamic character? Many aspects of Mores nature hold steadfast. He demonstrates devotion to his family, friends, and servants. Although he adores his daughter, he does not give in to her desire to marry until her fiancà © repents his so-called heresy. He exhibits no temptation when offered bribes and contemplates no underhanded schemes when faced with political enemies. From beginning to end, he is forthright and honest. Even when locked away in the Tower of London, he politely interacts with his jailers and interrogators. Despite these almost angelic characteristics, More explains to his daughter that he is no martyr, meaning that he does not wish to die for a cause. Rather, he fervently maintains his silence in hopes that the law will protect him. During his trial, he explains that the law mandates that silence must be legally perceived as consent; therefore, More argues, he has not officially disapproved of King Henry. Yet, his opinion is not quieted forever. After losing the trial and receiving a death sentence, More decides to explicitly reveal his religious objections to the Kings divorce and second marriage. Here, students may find evidence of a character arc. Why does Sir Thomas More voice his position now? Does he hope to persuade others? Is he lashing out in anger or hatred, emotions he has kept in check until now? Or does he simply feel as though he has nothing more to lose? Whether Mores character is perceived as static or dynamic, A Man For All Seasons generates thought-provoking ideas about honesty, morality, law, and society. The Supporting Characters The Common Man is a recurring figure throughout the play. He appears as a boatman, a servant, a juror, and many other everyday subjects of the kingdom. In each scenario, the common mans philosophies contrast with Mores in that they focus on day-to-day practicalities. When More can no longer pay his servants a living wage, the Common Man must find work elsewhere. He is not interested in facing extreme hardship for the sake of a good deed or a clear conscience. The devious Thomas Cromwell exhibits so much power-hungry maliciousness that audiences will want to boo him off the stage. However, we learn in the epilogue that he receives his comeuppance; Cromwell is charged with treason and executed, just like his rival Sir Thomas More. Unlike the plays blatant villain Cromwell, the character Richard Rich serves as a more complex antagonist. Like other characters in the play, Rich wants power. However, unlike the members of the court, he doesnt have any wealth or status at the beginning of the play. He waits for an audience with More, eager to obtain a position in court. Although very friendly with him, More does not trust Rich and therefore does not offer the young man a place in court. Instead, he urges Rich to become a teacher. However, Rich wants to attain political greatness. Cromwell offers Rich the chance to join his side, but before Rich accepts the shady position, he desperately pleads to work for More. We can tell that Rich genuinely admires More, yet he cannot resist the lure of power and wealth which Cromwell dangles in front of the young man. Because More senses Rich is untrustworthy, he turns him away. Rich eventually embraces his role as a scoundrel. During the final courtroom scene, he provides false testimony, dooming the man he once revered.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Natural Cocaine Production in Plants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Natural Cocaine Production in Plants - Essay Example The coca plant has similar biochemical properties as those that produce alkaloids. The coca plant belongs to a group of plants with natural alkaloids, or nitrogen-containing compounds that produce diverse effects on the physiology of humans. The alkaloid compounds in these plants are proven to have strong pharmacological effects on people and are known to contain nicotine, caffeine, quinine, morphine, atropine, strychnine, and the illegal stimulant compound cocaine. The plants that contain alkaloids include the Solanaceae or potato family, the Brassicaceae or mustard family, and the Erythroxylaceae or coca family, to which the coca plant belongs. The close relatedness of these plants is not only justified by the fact that they all contain alkaloid compounds but also by the fact that they had a common ancestor around 120 million years ago and that the alkaloid compounds that they contain obey similar biochemical pathways. The significance of this fact is that if one were to uncover th e details of the natural synthesis of cocaine, then it is possible to study it from the point of view of the other plants to which the coca plant is related (How Plants Make Cocaine, 2012). In the experiment conducted by researchers of the Max Planck Institute, in order to understand better how protein is naturally made by the coca plant, the synthesis of alkaloids in a particular species of the Solanaceae family was compared with the biochemical synthesis of cocaine in the coca plant (Secrets of Natural Cocaine Production Revealed, 2012).

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Should Term Limits in Government Be Abolished Essay

Should Term Limits in Government Be Abolished - Essay Example Before going into the discussion regarding term limits, let us get a better understanding of what term limits actually are. Ellis-Christensen (n.d.) states, â€Å"Term limits refer to the maximum number of times a person can hold the same public office†. Different people have different viewpoints regarding term limits. I am personally in favor of term limits because of various reasons. In my view, some of the most considerable benefits of term limits are that they prevent government officials from hogging their seats, increases the level of commitment of the government officials, provides an opportunity for new people to serve the nation, and eliminate the chances of corruption. Term limits are also a solution to eliminate the factor of self-interest from the government officials (Keller, 2010).Term limits are beneficial for a nation because it provides the way for other talented people to come into the government and serve the nation with a new passion and commitment. Bringin g fresh blood into the government improves the connection of government with the people (Ritchie, 2011). If we consider the impact of term limits on the economy of a country, we can say that when same officials come into the government repeatedly, there is less progress or change in economic position because they hardly have any new idea or strategy to improve the economy. On the other hand, term limits provide an opportunity to new people who have new ideas and strategies to improve the economy. Every person possesses the right to serve his/her country.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Arthur Miller Essay Example for Free

Arthur Miller Essay An important theme in Arthur Millers play All My Sons is the responsibility a man has for another man. Miller stressed that people must be held accountable for their actions to society and they will be held accountable by the inevitable justice found in the universe: karma. This theme is expressed through action as well as characters throughout the entire play; it is subtle at first but slowly becomes more prominent until Joe Keller finally realizes exactly how his actions affected people outside of his family. To begin, Kellers character is important to the theme because he represents the opposite of being responsible for his actions and being held accountable to society. Joe Keller seems like a simple kind of man. His greatest wishes are to obtain the American dream for his wife and to create a legacy to pass on to his son. However, he harbors a dark secret that explains how he achieved those dreams for his family- he knowingly shipped out faulty airplane parts during wartime. Up until the time of the play, Keller did not believe he did a terrible thing by shipping those parts out. As he explains, when he came home from jail he was like an expert on the whole jail thing and, over time, the children got it confused and [he] ended up a detective(29). Or, more clearly, he went from being the bad guy to being the good guy. In Kellers mind, he was the good guy because he saved his family from being poor and having their reputations in the gutter. He says to his wife, you wanted money, so I made money(76). To him, he simply did what he had to do to protect and take care of his family. At that point in his life he was not able to see the big picture of things; he was only able to see one little contour, just one small piece, of what makes up the universe. Furthermore, it is evident that Kellers small piece of the universe, his family, is what is most important to him. Throughout the play he tells Chris that everything he has done with the business , including sending out cracked gear heads, was for Chris: it was a chance and I took it for you(70). Keller believed that he had to send out those parts so that he would still have a business to pass on to his son. Chris replies what is that, the world- the business?(70). He is asking his father if the whole world is the business. And the answer in Kellers mind is, as long as it takes care of his family, yes it is the world. Slowly, though, Keller begins to see just what his actions have caused to happen to other people. Take, for example, when he speaks to Ann about her father, Steve. He finds out that Ann and George never visit Steve in jail and that they dont even write to him. Keller is unable to understand why the children would crucify their father and he pleads with Ann to not make a murderer out of him(32). He realizes that Steves life was ruined and his relationships with his children, something that Keller gives very high value to, are ruined as well. It is also easy to believe that Keller doesnt want to see Steve crucified because if he is, that means that Keller should be too. And if Keller was punished for his actions, that means there is something bigger in the world than the relationship between father and son. The whole ordeal with Steve and Steves children gives Keller a clue that there may be bigger things in the world than familial relationships and also that there may be consequences to wrongful actions. Finally, Chris and Larry (posthumously) work to enlighten Keller that theres a universe of people outside and that [hes] responsible to it(84). Chris character alone serves as a guidepost to this revelation. He is the epitome of the idea of responsibility and accountability to society because he is the person that reaches for something he wants but pulls back because other people will suffer(16). Chris takes other peoples feelings and well-being into account before he acts. He learned to be so self-less in the war, as he watched his men kill themselves for each other. He describes it as a kind of responsibility. Man for man(35-36). He learned that you cannot only look out for yourself in this world, but you have to help other people out as well. And Larry, whom Keller thought shared his ideas on the way the world was made (with a forty-foot front), had a good sense that people must consider the good of the many before they act for the few. It is his letter to Ann, in which he states he cant bear to live anymore(83) because of what his father did, that brings everything crashing down around Keller. In the same way Larrys memorial tree came crashing down and allowed more light to shine into the arbor, his letter shined light onto the true ways of the universe. Everything that Keller stood for, everything he believed in was wrong. He finally realized that he did a terrible thing that killed not only strangers, but people who were fathers, brothers, and sons. In essence, he killed the thing he lives for; he killed family. This revelation drives home the idea that justice will inevitably be brought to the wrong-doers. Kellers karma comes back and makes him not only set everything right in the universe again but pay the ultimate price for his actions: death by his own hand. Chris, Ann, and Kate can now move forward, not bogged down by shame and guilt, and they can live.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

William Shakespeares Macbeth Essay example -- Shakespeare Witches Mac

The Witches or Weird Sisters play a major role in the brilliant tragedy Macbeth by William Shakespeare. The role of the Weird Sisters represents that equivocal evil in the nature of things which helps to deceive the human will. They are not mere witches although they have some of the powers of witches. Even though they were produced by nature, they share with angels a freedom from limitation of space and time, a power to perceive the causes of things, and to see some distance into human minds (Kermode 1309). The Witches have malicious intentions and prophetic powers that entice Macbeth and captivate his mind. Although they have no power to compel Macbeth, the Witches appeal to Macbeth’s desires, eventually leading him to his tragic end.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The most obvious interpretation of the Witches is to see them as manifestations of evil in the world. They exist to tempt and torment people, to challenge their faith in themselves and their society. The Weird Sisters work on Macbeth by equivocation, that is, by ambiguous promises of some future state. These promises come true, but not in the way that the victim originally believed. The Witches have no power to compel belief, but they can obviously appeal strongly to an already existing inclination to force a person’s will onto events to shape the future to fit deepest desires (Corson 224-229).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At the beginning of Macbeth, there is no interpretation of the meaning of the storm. Dimly the audience is aware of the ongoing war, but Hecate creates an infernal trinity. Lightning, thunder, and rain all whirl into existence the three hideous curses upon humanity, the three Weird Sisters (Walker 146). 1Witch: â€Å"When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or in rain?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2Witch: When the hurly-burly’s done,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When the battle’s lost and won.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3Witch: That will be ere the set of sun.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1Witch: Where the place?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2Witch: Upon the heath.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3Witch: There to meet with Macbeth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1Witch: I come, Graymalkin   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2Witch: Paddock calls   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3Witch:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Anon!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   All: Fair is foul, and foul is fair.† Hover through the fog and filthy air.†(I.i.1-10). These creepers of darkness that guide the Witches invoke the evil that eventually destroys Macbeth. Graymalkin, the night-se... come. â€Å"That will never be,†(IV.i.93), he replies, as the Witches listen and laugh in silence knowing they have defeated Macbeth by encouraging equivocations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Witches are gleeful over their victim whose eyeballs have been seared by what has been shown to him. The First Witch says: â€Å"Come, sisters, cheer we up his sprites,/And show the best of our delights:/ I’ll charm the air to give a sound,/While you perform your antic round,/That this great king may kindly say/Our duties did his welcome pay.†(IV.i.125-130). This expresses implicitly all that has been set forth in regard to the relations of the Witches to Macbeth. He is the first to welcome them as guest to his bosom, and they do their duty by him as agents of the devil (Corson 242).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although the witches have no power to compel Macbeth, they appealed to what he has previously desired, eventually leading him to his tragic end. They have originated nothing within him. They have but harped upon what was already evil and stimulated these thoughts into acts (Corson 242). In his last scene, the Witches urge him on by more flattering equivocations, each turning false, luring Macbeth to an evil end.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Diet and Exercise

Diet and Exercise Hanse Bidon COM/155 – University Composition and Communication I March 14, 2013 Cynthia Jones Diet and exercise Today, my physician informed me that I was significantly overweight and that my health was in jeopardy. Immediately, I stated dieting which included fruits and vegetables while abstaining from starches and sodas. In the course of two weeks, I noticed that I dropped 20 pounds as a result of a result of implementing this diet however I noticed sagging of the skin in certain areas. My weight loss halted and it appeared that I hit a weight plateau.In an attempt to resolve these issues, I started an exercise regimen which included cardio and free weights. Shortly after, I began to see weight loss however my energy and endurance began to slowly dwindle. After consulting with my physician, she encouraged me to combine both diet and exercise, which resulted in me managing my weight, tightening my skin, an increasing my endurance and energy. This process has taught me that weight loss can be achieved by diet and exercise individually, however when the two are combined, it can result in weight loss and weight management.There are advantages and disadvantages when using diet and exercise individually alone when trying to lose weight. These advantages and disadvantages individually can have adverse and favorable effects on your mental health, physical health and wellness. Dieting can be jarring for some people the idea of giving up certain foods to attain weight loss, can be very challenging. For so many people, Dieting is defined as the restraining of certain foods and practices that result in a desired state of mind and physical wellness.This desired state of mind and physical wellness could result in advantages such as weight loss, reduction of chronic diseases, and improved self-esteem. Weight loss as it relates to the advantages of dieting reflects the shedding of unwanted, unhealthy weight which ultimately is how we previously saw o urselves. Once the weight has been shed, we begin to see ourselves through new eyes with confidence and self-worth, which boosts your self – esteem. Not only do you improve yourself image, you improve your health as well.With weight loss, you reduce your chances of developing any chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and some diseases that can be associated with heart disease. Although, some success can be achieved from dieting alone, it also has some disadvantages. Dieting alone for the sake of weight loss has some disadvantages such as fatigue and depression. One of the disadvantages of dieting alone is fatigue; this may occur when the body is trying to adjust to the change in eating habits and the lack of nutrients. You may experience dizziness and you’re tired all the time.These are symptoms of fatigue. A sudden change in eating habits because of a diagnosis can result in a person becoming depression, such as high blood pressure. In additio n to dieting, exercise is another method that is used to lose and manage weight. Exercise, just like dieting has significant advantages if deployed correctly. Some of these advantages involve physical and mental advantages. The physical advantages as it relates to exercises include weight loss, lower blood pressure, and the reduction of severe diseases such as diabetes, and life threatening cancers such as prostate and colon cancers.Another advantage to consistent exercise is the mental advantages; the act of exercising consistently releases a chemical in your body known as endorphins, which ultimately are responsible for stress and anxiety reduction. The endorphins in your body which are released when you exercise allow you to sleep comfortably at night and also work to increase your self-esteem allowing you to feel better about yourself and the progress you’re making. However, over working your muscles can result in more harm than good.Unfortunately, there are noticeable di sadvantages that come with exercise or the lack of proper exercise. These disadvantages come in the forms of improper training or preparation for exercise and the heightened possibility of injury because of lack of preparation. Over Utilizing the use your muscles can cause soreness because of microscopic tears in the muscle tissue. This process is normal however not implementing the right form or cardiovascular training can result in an inevitable state of injury, which can be a direct reflection of an improper training regimen.Overtraining can result in a number of issues such as insufficient amount of sleep, a compromised immune system, energy deficiency, and muscle and joint pain. While separately, exercise and diet provide various advantages and disadvantages, the two when implemented together provided various benefits. These benefits consist of healthier cardiovascular system, stronger bones, and effective weight loss. Any form of walking, swimming, jogging while implementing a low fat diet is a good way to maintain a good cardiovascular system.Another benefit of diet and exercise is the prevention of osteoporosis by incorporating foods rich in vitamin D, calcium such as fish, cheese, yogurt, low fat milk and with strength training. In addition maximum weight loss and management, reduction of the risk of chronic diseases and an improvement in mental health can be achieved when diet and exercise are implemented effectively. As I learned from my own struggles with weight lost, there are no quick fixes.Dieting without exercise will ultimately result in very little weight loss. The disadvantages that exist when you choose to lose weight by dieting only should be considered before eliminating exercise from your weight lost plan. Exercise without dieting will result in some weight loss as well and will help to improve your health, however, the disadvantages of just exercising should be consider before excluding dieting from your weight loss plan.Combine both di et and exercise will allow you to achieve maximum weight loss, weight management, and improve health, can contribute to your mental health in a positive manner, and increased strength in bones. Although there are many diet ads that suggest quick ways to lose weight such as shaking a substance on your food to curve your appetite, drinking shakes, eating cookies, some plans suggesting that you don’t have to change the way you eat to lose weight, and some insisting that just taking a pill, and the weight will fall off. None will replace both exercise and a well balance diet

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Compulsory education Essay

The K-12 education system is the public education system that most people are familiar with today. Comprised of 13 grades, kindergarten through 12th, it refers to the public school system in all of the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and parts of Europe as well. It is difficult to pinpoint the exact history of education, as it has been occurring in some form for centuries in all parts of the world. Today, K-12 education represents the compulsory education required of all children in the US. Though this type of education can be attained from either publicly or privately funded institutions, children who have reached compulsory school age (ranging from age six to eight, depending on the state) are required by law to attend school. Compulsory education in the United States began over 150 years ago when Horace Mann established a statewide system of education in Massachusetts, which became the first state to pass school attendance laws in 1852. By 1918, children were required by law to receive an education in all states. Kindergarten was actually developed prior to compulsory education. Though it is not compulsory in all states, children are required to start school in most states at the age of six. If the child is too young to start kindergarten the year he turns five, kindergarten may technically be required since he will be turning six that school year. The word kindergarten is of German origin and means â€Å"children’s garden.† The concept was the brainchild of Friedrich Froebel, a self-educated philosophical teacher, who sought to develop a place of guided play for children to â€Å"bloom.† The first kindergarten established in England was in 1852, and the United States followed by establishing its first in 1856. Though education was required of all children in Massachusetts by that time and many other states were following suit, not all schools provided, nor required, kindergarten. Similarly, not all schools required a student to stay in school beyond a certain grade, as compulsory education initially applied only to elementary aged children. Many children were also permitted to miss portions of the  school year, especially farmers’ children who were needed at home for harvesting crops and preparing for the winter. The Education Act of 1918, or the Fisher Act, was an act of British Parliament that implemented changes in progressive education and helped form many aspects of the K-12 education system used today. The Fisher Act raised the age at which children could leave school to 14 and addressed education needs, such as health inspections and accommodations for special needs children. This act also led to the development of a committee that reported to and made recommendations to policy makers regarding education. In the United States, unlike England, public education was governed by each individual state. As early as 1791, seven states had specific provisions for education in their own individual constitutions and were formed partly on the basis of education without religious bias. Prior to the passing of compulsory school attendance laws, education was primarily localized and available only to the wealthy, and it often included religious teachings. Following the compulsory attendance laws, Catholics banned together in opposition of states mandating common schooling and created private Catholic schools. In 1925, the Supreme Court ruled that children could attend public or private schools for education. Over time, each individual state developed its own department of education to oversee the public education system. Compulsory attendance grew to include kindergarten and mandate attendance through the age of 16. Funding sources for public education also grew to include federal, state and local sources. Federal funding was overseen by the United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare from 1953 to 1979, until it was divided and the US Department of Education was formed as a stand-alone entity. By the 1950s, compulsory education had become well established, but the K-12 education system was really still in its infancy. Schools were still primarily localized, but education was no longer available only to the wealthy. Even in the 1950s, however, segregation by race was still common practice in public schools in the US. Then came another landmark decision by  the Supreme Court. In 1954, in the US Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional. Though this decision was met with resistance and it took many years before legalized segregation was completely eliminated, especially in southern states, the federal courts eventually achieved success. This achievement was not without its repercussions, and many urban and inner city schools saw an exodus of wealthy and middle-class white families, who moved to suburban districts. In time, many urban districts were left only with poor families and it became difficult to attract and pay for quality teachers and education. Since the formation of the US Department of Education in 1979, the education system has been similar to what is found today, but has undergone a series of developments and amendments to accommodate the changing needs of education. Funding has always been a source of concern for public schools, especially in poor, urban districts, where the quality of education also came into question. As a result, federal funding is now directly related to school performance as determined by standardized testing under the current No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). NCLB was signed into law by President George W. Bush 3 January 2002. Under this law, standards of accountability were increased in an effort to improve performance and to give parents flexibility in choosing schools. NCLB requires states to administer assessments of basic skills to all students at certain grade levels and achieve the standards set forth by each state in order to receive federal funding. Specific and more rigorous goals were placed on reading achievements under this law and states also had to develop high school exit or graduation exams with specific measures of assessment in place as well. The intention was to hold schools to a higher  level of accountability, but was debated from its inception. Currently, the K-12 public education system provides a 12th grade education to eligible students for free. Families have the option of sending their children to private schools, but are then responsible for tuition. The future of education will undoubtedly experience change and social and economical challenges, just as it has in the past. Programs may soon expand to include pre-K compulsory attendance and could even expand to include options beyond the 12th grade, as these are concepts, in their earliest stages, currently being explored.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Dos and Donts for Parent-Teacher Conferences

Dos and Donts for Parent-Teacher Conferences Parent-Teacher Conferences, handled correctly, are an opportunity to form a cooperative team for the coming school year. You will need each students parents on your side in order to have the maximum positive impact on learning. Follow these guidelines and youll be on the right track: Dos Give parents plenty of notice. Remember that parents have busy lives and challenging work schedules. The more notice you give them, the more likely they will be able to attend the Parent-Teacher Conference.Start and end the Parent-Teacher Conference on a positive note. Remember that parents are often nervous, too. Set them at ease by starting off with your positive observations of their child. After youve explained some areas of improvement, finish the conference off with more things the parents can feel good about. This goes a long way toward creating a positive working relationship with them.Be organized. Fill out a pre-conference form for each student, complete with space for your notes and follow-up issues. The conference may be your first impression on the parents, and your organization will inspire confidence in your abilities to help their child this year.Listen actively. When the parents speak, concentrate and really hear what they are trying to communicate to you. You may ev en want to take notes. When parents feel heard, you are setting up a cooperative relationship for the coming school year. Have samples of student work to back up your points. When discussing specific learning goals for the student, show the parents what you observed in the classwork that shows a need for improvement. On the flip side, you can also show samples of work well done, so they can see how much the students are learning with you.Give the parents homework. Think of 2-3 customized tasks that the parents can do at home to help their child learn this school year. It may not always happen as you hope, but its worth a shot. Offer worksheets, websites, and tools to support their efforts.Call in the principal for touchy situations. Sometimes teachers need to call for backup. If a specific set of parents have already shown some hostility towards you, a trusted administrator can act as a facilitator who has everyones best interests at heart. Moreover, the principal can act as a witness for you, if the tone of the conference starts to sour. Donts Dont stray from the topic at hand. Its easy for conversations to wander off into fun topics, such as shared interests. But remember why you are having this conference in the first place and keep the meeting on track.Dont Get Emotional. Stay professional and objective as you describe the behavior youve observed from a particular child. If you stay rational and calm, the parents likely will, as well.Dont run late. Once the Parent-Teacher Conference schedule is set, do everything possible to keep things running in a timely manner. Parents have busy lives and have dropped everything to meet with you at the appointed time. Respecting their time will make a great impression.Dont have a messy classroom. We all know that classrooms can get messy during the busy course of a school day. But spend some time straightening up your room, especially your desk, in order to make the best possible impression.Dont overwhelm the parents with too many at-home tasks. Choose 2-3 doable ways that the parent s can support learning at home. Be specific and offer them the tools they will need to help their child.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Practice Speaking English Exercise

Practice Speaking English Exercise Here is a text to help you speak some English online - even if its not with a real person. You will hear the lines you see below. There is a pause between each sentence. Thats where you come in. Answer the questions and have a conversation. Its a good idea to read through the conversation before you begin, so youll know which questions to ask to keep up with the conversation. Take note that the conversation focuses on using the present simple, past simple and the future with going to. Its a good idea to open the audio file below in another window, so you can read the conversation as you participate. Practice Conversation Transcript Hi, my names Rich. Whats your name? Nice to meet you. Im from the United States and I live in San Diego in California. Where are you from? Im a teacher and I work online every day. What do you do? I like playing golf and tennis in my free time. How about you? At the moment, Im working on my website. What are you doing right now? Im tired today because I got up early. I usually get up at six oclock. When do you usually get up? I think its great youre learning English. How often do you study English? Did you study English yesterday? How about tomorrow? Are you going to study English tomorrow? OK, I know that studying English isnt the most important thing in the world! What else are you going to do this week? Im going to attend a concert on Saturday. Do you have any special plans? Last weekend, I went to visit my friends in San Francisco. What did you do? How often do you do that? When is the next time you are going to do that? Thank you for talking to me. Have a nice day! There is also an ​audio file of this conversation. Example Conversation to Compare Heres an example of the conversation you may have had. Compare this conversation to the one you had. Did you use the same tenses? Were your answers similar or different? How were they similar or different?   Rich: Hi, my names Rich. Whats your name?Peter: How do you do. My names Peter.   Rich: Nice to meet you. Im from the United States and I live in San Diego in California. Where are you from?Peter: Im from Cologne, Germany. Whats your job? Rich: Im a teacher and I work online every day. What do you do?Peter: Thats interesting. Im a bank teller. What do you like doing in your free time? Rich: I like playing golf and tennis in my free time. How about you?Peter: I enjoy reading and hiking on the weekends. What are you doing now? Rich: At the moment, Im working on my website. What are you doing right now?Peter: Im having a conversation with you! Why are you tired? Rich: Im tired today because I got up early. I usually get up at six oclock. When do you usually get up?Peter: I usually get up at six. At the moment, Im learning English at an English school in town. Rich: I think its great youre learning English. How often do you study English?Peter: I go to classes every day. Rich: Did you study English yesterday?Peter: Yes, I studied English yesterday morning.   Rich: How about tomorrow? Are you going to study English tomorrow?Peter: Of course Im going to study English tomorrow! But I do other things! Rich: OK, I know that studying English isnt the most important thing in the world! What else are you going to do this week?Peter: Im going to visit some friends and were going to have a barbecue. What are you going to do? Rich: Im going to attend a concert on Saturday. Do you have any special plans?Peter: No, Im going to relax. What did you do last weekend? Rich: Last weekend, I went to visit my friends in San Francisco. What did you do?Peter: I played soccer with some friends.   Rich: How often do you do that?Peter: We play soccer every weekend.   Rich: When is the next time you are going to do that?Peter: Were going to play next Sunday. Rich: Thank you for talking to me. Have a nice day!Peter: Thank you! Have a good one!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

American Culture and Traditions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

American Culture and Traditions - Assignment Example Most of the Native Americans can be found in Hawaii and Alaska where they have settled and practiced their cultural activities over time. To remember the modern day Americans are using costumes and writing books which cause their awareness and the respect they should deserve. Some of the costumes used in Halloween portray the Natives culture and the way of life. I once wore a costume that made me resemble the American Natives from the South. ‘Redskin’ is referred to as an offensive word in the American community and to some, it is a taboo since it violates rights of the Native Americans. Most people use it as a slang word while referring to the Natives due to their ‘reddish skin.’ I would recommend the change of the name ‘Washington Redskins’ to another name that does not fall on racial and cultural lines. The team represents the Washington State in the national basketball teams. The name may bring a different meaning depending on the understanding hence leading to racial debates despite it representing the color of their uniform. For example, a Native American’s basketball team may feel offended while playing with the Washington Redskins due to the commentary of the game. The use of other names such as ‘Whiteskins’, ‘Yellowskins’ and ‘Black skins’ would cause alarm and racial debates in the country due to use of racially offensive names . It may lead to a neo-racism era that involves cases of racial discrimination in the modern day society. Most Americans prefer having generous relationships with the Native Americans as compared to ‘Blacks and ‘Latinos due to various reasons. The Natives have been respected due to their rich social and cultural activities (Schaefer 2012). Their geographical locations also serve as a reason since they are found in remote North and South areas of the United States which include the North and south. They lack social interactions hence limited cases of racism.  

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Senior Class Gift Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Senior Class Gift - Essay Example Finally, in September 2006 the Young Alumni Trustee was named but the reorganization had left the members of the Senior Class Gift Committee with no clear responsibility The Young Alumni Trustee is a position on the Board of Trustees that is granted to a graduating senior each year. The successful program had been in effect since 1996 and each member that is awarded the position serves a three-year term. By April 2006, the selection committee had settled on two finalists, Cathleen Doan and Brian Levin. The winner was to be announced at commencement ceremonies on May 20. On April 25, 2006, students received an e-mail re-opening the application process and encouraging students to reapply. The selection committee justified their actions based on low student interest and lack of diversity among the applicants. Doan and Levin were still considered finalists, but Laurie Musgrove, Vice President of University Advancement, said they were seeing if "other students should be joining them as finalists". Robin Warde, Interim Director of Alumni Relations, said the concern was the small number of original student applicants. Warde noted that only 5 members of the class of 2006 had been interviewed and said, "something different needed to be done". It was apparent that the board had been remiss in addressing this problem sooner. According to Warde, they had been concerned over lack of participation in previous years. Musgrove and Warde, however, waited until the finalists had been selected to make the last minute changes. Musgrove had some misgivings and expressed the "wish that timing could be different". She continued to encourage Doan and Levin to stay in the process and viewed their withdrawal with "disappointment and dismay". Before commencement ceremonies, the Board of Trustees took control of the nominating process after overriding the previous decisions made by the nominating board. President Ronald Machtley and BOT Chairman Thomas Taylor headed the new selection committee. No winner was announced at that time. In September 2006, the Bryant University Board of Trustees (BOT) named Saddi Williams as the 2006 Young Alumnus Trustee at their annual meeting during Homecoming Weekend. The BOT also established the Bryant Senior Advisory Council (BSA), a 30 member committee comprised of students that will be the pool for next year's applicants. Warde has made a commitment to working with students all year and promoting a wide representation on the BSA. The controversy that began in April 2006 had not gone away by September. The creation of the BSA created another debate over the Senior Class Gift program. During the summer of 2006, Shannon Maldonando and I (Amr Zawawi) worked to develop a "comprehensive plan for the 2007 Senior Class Gift". However, on September 22, 2006 the President's office released a press statement that said, "The Bryant Senior Advisory Council shall also act as a core group to engage the senior class in developing a plan for their class gift". This resulted in confusion and further divisiveness surrounding the role of Moldanado and I in the gift selection process. The controversial changes that began in April 2006 had continued to linger and in attempting to correct past problems resulted in creating new controversies. Summer Plans The Senior Class Gift Committee had made a decision to begin working on the project at the earliest possible date. We all

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Political Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 19

Political Science - Essay Example ACH manages to avoid both human bias and analytical errors by integrating both cognitive psychology and scientific methods into its system of exploration. That notwithstanding, I hold the opinion that bringing on board other analysts when using ACH is more productive than when an analyst uses it alone. This is because having many analysts on board ensures that each situation is approached form a broad angle, thereby taking into consideration all the possible alternatives. The input of the other analysts will similarly be important in doing away with assumptions while collecting evidence against each alternative (Intelligence Reports 2013). The ideal result would be that the alternative with the least evidence against it would be accepted. Bringing on board several analysts would be challenging as handling numerous views may be mentally hectic, nonetheless, the process would be comprehensive and without pitfalls, notably because the alternatives will be competing against each other. Response to Tyler I harbor the same belief as you that the content that we have covered in this course will come in handy in ensuring that we become worldwide professionals in the field of intelligence. Taking a walk down memory lane, we all attest to the fact that intelligence has made significant strides. This is because the physical maps and marker pens that were the order of the day have been overtaken by the use of satellites and information technology (Hypothesis, 2008).

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Religious Rejections of Globalization

Religious Rejections of Globalization Introduction The conflict between Western and Islamic worlds has drawn the attention of various scholars such as Samuel Huntington and Fukuyama whom predicted future war would be premised on cultural differences. Since the 1990s, countless scholars have analyzed Islam and its connection to religious fundamentalism in order to understand why fundamentalists are so radically opposed to economic modernization and social change. More surprisingly however, is the fact that Western academia and political leaders have largely ignored assertive Christian responses against globalization, especially those coming from Christian fundamentalists whose numbers and political influence continues to grow around the world. The re-emergence of religious fundamentalism as a political force has been propelled by the perceived threat of globalization which promotes the spread of Westernization, neoliberalism and secularism (Juergensmeyer 140). In the eyes of many religious movements, globalization challenges the prese nce of local religions by encouraging capitalist beliefs that do not take into account moral principles. Among these religious groups, Christianity is of particular importance because of its status, outreach and role in international affairs. When we talk about Christianity, we refer to a set of religious values and beliefs that led to the creation of various denominations, organizations and creeds. The following essay argues that the religious rejection of globalization within the Christian community has been spearheaded by religious fundamentalist groups in order to prevent the creation of a secular world order because it threatens to reduce their influence, power and legitimacy. Presently, Christianity’s role and status in international affairs is being redefined by two important groups: Christian liberals and Christian evangelicals. This internal religious competition aims to democratically capture important decision-making positions within the hierarchy of western states to reassert Christianity presence on the public sphere to ensure social and moral order. Liberal Christianity and civil society’s anti-globalization response The influential expansion of global society has redefined the role that religious groups play in the development of important international policies. As multiple sectors of global civil society have come together to denounce the negative effects of globalization on the poor and vulnerable, religious groups have joined their voice to highlight the need to create a better world order (Lechner 115). It is important to note that global civil society’s critical responses to globalization have largely evolved along secular lines (Lechner 116). At the same time, if we define civil society as all forms of voluntary association outside the market and state, then religion constitutes the largest segment of civil society (Lechner 116). The Roman Catholic Church alone accounts more members than all advocacy networks combined together which helps explain Christianity’s influence and outreach on major international socio-economic issues (Lechner 116). The Roman Catholic Church has pl ayed an important role in condemning the neo-liberal model imposed by Western states because of its tendency to support the imposition of economic values over moral principles. During a speech by Pope John Paul II, during his visit to Havana in 1998, the leader of the Catholic community openly expressed his concern on the negative effects that capitalism has on the vulnerable but also on the worldwide presence of Catholicism (Robertson 612). He claimed that the absolutizing of the economy was wrong for three main reasons: 1-markets were imperfect and were bound to leave people unsatisfied, 2-withouth proper regulation, the community markets do not serve the common good which results in exclusion and marginalization and 3-left to their own devices, markets promote economic inequality (Lechner 124). In this sense, the religious Christian left and the western secular left have evoked similar arguments and appear to pursue the same socio-economic goals (Lechner 124). In the late 1990s, both the Catholic Church and Protestant Churches pressured affluent states for the forgiveness of poor nations’ foreign debt because it imposed heavy economic burdens on people whose human dignity was constantly challenged by unequal and oppressive conditions (Lechner 117). On November 6, 2000, President Bill Clinton signed a foreign aid bill fully funding debt relief for poor countries (Lechner 118). Liberal Christians around the world celebrated this victory that had rallied multiple sectors of global civil society behind a common goal. Truly, Jubilee 2000 demonstrated how the power of religious scripture could be used to re-shape the history of the â€Å"secular world† (Lechner 119). However, it is important to acknowledge Jubilee’s 2000 success was primarily caused by secular forces who lobbied tremendously well to achieve their goal (Lechner 120). In addition, the Catholic Church previous support for economic liberalism as a way to force the fall of communi sm contradicted its new discourse against globalization and neo-liberalism which further divide its community. These contradictions demonstrate that liberal Christianity’s moderate approach is too passive to efficiently oppose globalization and further highlights its dependence on secular forces to provide political solutions for the world’s most worrisome problems. The rise of religious fundamentalism in Christianity Liberal Christianity’s global decline has helped Christian evangelicals spread their political message in more assertive, faster and active manner in the Americas, Asia and Africa. At the moment, liberal Christianity represents a mere minority within their societies who no longer share their assumptions and are experimenting drastic socio-economic changes as a result of globalization (Stahl 350). This political vacuum has been filled by both secular individuals and Christian evangelicals that have attracted considerable amount of support towards their opposite political goals. Religious movements whether liberal or conservative tend to perceive globalization as a competing form of religion association that contains a set of established ideas, beliefs, authorities, goals and followers (Stahl 341). For this reason, religious groups zealously oppose this expanding force. However, religious conservatives appear to be more successful than their liberal parts in using certain aspect s globalization to reach people and transmit their political goals (Jesus Camp). Many Christian evangelicals in the United States believe that their government has been taken over by corporations and foreign agents that seek the expansion of evil and corrupt forces within their nation (Jesus Camp). This threat often takes form in secular institutions and policies that are often demonized publicly by evangelical leaders who lobby their communities to vote for a particular candidate who will accurately represent their traditional values. The ongoing expansion of Christian fundamentals and their active political involvement in public affairs makes them a considerable force that can effectively influence the political spectrum of multiple nations. Despite this, few western scholars consider Christian fundamentalism a real threat to the stability of their nations as they wrongly believe that the most dangerous face of fundamentalism is to be associated with Muslim faith. Religions of revolution and their radical answer to globalization The modern social stability of Western secular societies has been built on the free practice of religion in the private sphere. This explains why, westerners are so fearful of the public imposition of a single religious tradition that could violate the freedoms and rights of individuals. According to Stahl, religious complaints against globalization focus on two main themes: the demand for justice and the defense of tradition (Stahl 339). Stahl uses these themes to draw a comparison between Osama Bin Laden whose exemplifies Islam fundamentalism and Dwight Hopkins who embodies Liberal Christianity (Stahl 339). Osama’s complaints are addressed in Letter to America (2002) and Resist the New Rome (2004). He believes that Muslim fundamentalists are fighting a defensive war against the forces of imperialism and aggression which are responsible for the establishment of corrupt and dictatorial regimes throughout the Muslim world (Stahl 339). He claims this religio-economic war is a co ntinuation of the Crusades and other past struggles between Muslims and Christians (Stahl 340). He criticizes the economic, environmental and cultural decline of the West and defends Islamic tradition from what he believes to be an infectious and corrupt culture (Stahl 340). He also denounces the theft of Muslim wealth and America’s refusal to ratify Kyoto. Despite this, most of his criticism is directed towards individual behavior, especially the treatment of women and sexualisation of culture (Stahl 340). Immorality is high on his list, economic exploitation is not. His call for Muslim community to violently resist the enemies of Islam appealed to many devoted people regardless of their socio-economic background (Stahl 341). On the other hand, Hopkins’ complaint based on liberal Christianity is one dimensional because it focuses on the economic aspect of globalization (Stahl 341). As Bin Laden, Hopkins advocates for justice and defense of tradition, although he clear ly understands these concepts differently than his counterpart. On the demand for justice, he criticizes the grotesque accumulation of wealth and power into the hands of few individuals. He attributes this to be the cause of corrupt politics and the unrestricted destruction of the environment (Stahl 341). In defense of tradition, he claims that globalization is a competing form of religious organization that seeks to promote material realities and economic values over moral principles (Stahl 341). Bin Laden and Hopkins are quite different. Bin Laden was ready to kill to achieve his version of Islam whereas Hopkins liberation theology called for spiritual resistance and struggle for freedom and justice (Stahl 342). Liberal Christian has slowly become a religion of resistance that has struggled to mobilize its followers against globalization. On the other hand, Islamic fundamentalism is religion of revolution that violently opposes globalization. The means advocated Islamist fundament alism are not that different from Christian fundamentalists who have also adopted a confrontational direct tone to send out powerful political messages. Conclusion To conclude, Christianity’s position and role within the Western World is being redefined by two competing religious movements that aim to democratically capture political power within their state to reassert religion’s role on the public sphere. On the one side, Liberal Christianity appears to have a renewed interest in opposing globalization and neoliberalism which has motivated many liberal Christians to join forces with the secular left. The success of Jubilee 2000 attests on what this cooperation can provide in terms of progressive and inclusive social policies. However, liberal Christianity’s moderate critique of globalization has also been qualified as too passive by many of its members that are drawn by Christian conservatives’ more pro-active and direct message. As Christian evangelical’s popularity and numbers continues to grow, they have become an influential political force that opposes secularism and modernization in their own nations. As the dominant forces within Christianity are slowly turn it a religion of revolution, they are adopting various fundamentalist values and premises which threaten to unbalance the social stability of these secular societies. Western societies tend to picture Islam as the main motor of religious fundamentalism in the world. However, what they ignore is that the real threat to their society’s stability comes from the radicalization of Christianity which supports a more confrontational approach to promote their religious values.