Sunday, May 24, 2020

How Music Is Used For Advertising - 1524 Words

How Music is Used in Commercials Now adays and before music is an important factor in media advertising. As media is tool for advertising and it reaches to many users and customers music can play very significant role. And music serve the general promotion targets in business. Jingle music is very common technique for aiding the ad. Most of popular companies in globe are very succesfull because of using Jingle music in their ads. A very good jingle attracts the consumer s attention and makes them think again and again regarding a product, a bad jingle could make the company popular for the wrong reasons. â€Å"[†¦] When [background music is] used appropriately, [it] is the catalyst of advertising. It augments pictures and colors words, and often adds a form of energy available through no other source.† (Hecker 1984) Music could get many responses out of people as its played. Music could touch our emotions like it could calm us, excite us sadden us, soothe us. There is also no doubt that we are quite the musical species (Sacks, 2007). Humans are able to remember music they have heard for a lifetime, as well as the emotions it triggered. We are fully capable of memorizing thousands, if not more, musical pieces in our life, including song elements such as lyrics, melody, tempo, rhythm and even pitch. Over the centuries, humans have made music everywhere and the music we play spans from the easiest simple melody on a piano to a complex orchestra symphony with dozens ofShow MoreRelatedAdvertising Industry : An Powerful Aid For The American Consumer Culture1417 Words   |  6 Pagesservice or good. The American advertising industry has long been an extremely powerful aid for the American consumer culture (Taylor). For an extended amount of time in American advertising agencies were only accustomed to doing their business and advertising in print. 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