Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Issues Of Minority Staff Members - 771 Words

FINAL EXAMINATION Scenario I Exam Question - What issues and data do you examine and what steps do you take to resolve this serious and troubling dilemma? First and foremost, a number of questions must be answered before we can address the minority and retention issues within the St. George County Family Services Association (SGCFSA). I for one would like to know the percentage of minorities we are currently serving in our community, and if this percentage has changed over time and if so, why? Furthermore, I would examine why only a limited number of minority staff members have been hired within the organization since my tenure; and what caused this shift to occur from just a few years ago. Additionally, it is important to be aware of how many minority staff members are presently in a management position as this can be an indicator as to why there has been such a high turnover or attrition rate in the past couple years. Generally speaking, retention is lower among minority groups than that of the non-minority. While hiring more minority staff members may bring more diversity to the organization, organizations may have difficulty retain ing minority staff members if it does not meet the demographic expectations of entry minorities. Determining whether or not minority staff members â€Å"fit† the process of socialization within an organization, they most likely will look to see if minorities are currently employed in chief executive and/or management positions as an indicator ofShow MoreRelatedMinority Faculty: Maintaining the Balance in the Field of Economics731 Words   |  3 Pagestechnological and research drives, managers and staff must also be sensitive to social concerns such as the diversity that is encouraged and managed in the workplace. 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Each staff member had a differentRead Morefgdgdg1732 Words   |  7 PagesEmployment Act of 1967 Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Adapted from Exhibit 2-3: Federal Laws Preventing Employment Discrimination 2-0 ï ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼The Case of France †¢ Religious discrimination †¢ Discrimination issues in hiring †¢ Promotional issues †¢ Thoughts on the policy of not collecting data on race and ethnicity or no affirmative action laws? †¢ Thoughts on what these companies are doing? ï ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Experiencing Strategic OB 2-0 ï ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Roadblocks to Diversity ï ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼2-0 Read MoreBlack And Minority Ethnic Offenders1373 Words   |  6 PagesSystem could improve the outcomes for Black, And Minority Ethnic offenders (BAME). 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